LOMA LINDA, Calif. San Bernardino County Child Support Services finds unique ways to raise funds for Children’s Fund. A department favorite is our annual themed-basket opportunity. Employees take pride and joy in creating themed-baskets and purchasing tickets for the opportunity to win one of the many available baskets. This basket opportunity is just one example of Child Support Services efforts to raise funds for Children’s Fund. In January 2023 Child Support Services donated $3,308. This year, Child Support Services were able to raise $7,225.58, doubling the amount from the previous year.

Children’s Fund is a non-profit organization that helps the most vulnerable children in San Bernardino County. Their funds assist agencies and non-profit organizations in providing resources and services to children and families.

The efforts of Child Support Services to raise funds for Children’s Funds is part of the department’s purpose to make a positive difference in the lives of children.