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Mondays with DCSS Loma Linda

February 3

Join us in our lobby each Monday, we will have community resource partners there to help you!

9 – 11:30 a.m.

Tangelo: Free healthy food and medical tailored meals to qualifying IEHP and Molina Members.

El Sol NEC- Listos California: This organization provides information about the preparation for a natural disaster (earthquake, flood, fire, or biological).

1:30 – 4 p.m.

Children’s Choice Dental Care: Free to Low-cost dental services for 21 and under. With a focus on special needs in the Inland Empire.

Wellcare: Our Medicare Advantage plans offer a wide variety of valuable additional benefits that Original Medicare does not, such as dental, vision, hearing and prescription drug coverage.

Visítenos en nuestro lobby todos los lunes, ¡tendremos socios de recursos comunitarios allí para ayudarlo!

9 – 11:30 a.m.

Tangelo: Alimentos saludables y comidas médicas personalizadas gratuitas para miembros calificados de IEHP y Molina.

El Sol NEC- Listos California: Esta organización proporciona información sobre la preparación ante un desastre natural (terremoto, inundación, incendio o biológico).

1:30 – 4 p.m.

Children’s Choice Dental Care: Servicios dentales gratuitos o de bajo costo para menores de 21 años. Con un enfoque en las necesidades especiales en Inland Empire.

Wellcare: Nuestros planes Medicare Advantage ofrecen una amplia variedad de valiosos beneficiios adicionales que medicare Original no ofrece, como cobertura dental, de audición y de medicamentos recetados.


February 3
Event Categories:


Loma Linda Child Support Office
10417 Mountain View Ave
Loma Linda, CA 92354 United States
+ Google Map
866 901-3212

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